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Common Poultry Diseases


Seven Common Diseases in Few days-old Chickens and Their Prevention and Treatment Solutions:

Generally buy one-day-old chickens from trusted hatcheries or breeders and Providing a warm and healthy environment for the chicks to grow and their constant access to fresh water and quality food, will lead to the health of the chickens. However, you may sometimes see signs of the disease in chickens. Join us in this article to get acquainted with seven common diseases in toddler chicks, the symptoms and methods of preventing and treating them without the need for chemical drugs.

  1. Mark disease: This name is actually a generic name for seven highly contagious viral diseases that causing tumors and paralyzes in sick chickens that spread from one bird to another or through contaminated dust.
      • Prevention: Vaccination that is used by many hatcheries and breeders to prevent the disease has not been 100% effective and could have some consequences. The best way to prevent chickens from getting the disease is to keep the artificial chicken system clean and sterile. Also, adding apple vinegar, garlic and probiotic powder to the diet of chicks helps them to strengthen their immune systems.
      • Treatment: Chickens suspected of having Mark disease need to be separated quickly from others. There is no specific treatment for this disease but if the infected chickens continue to eat and drink and their immune system is maintained (by the method described above), there is a greater chance of survival.
  2. Coccidiosis : It causes mortality in young chicks. Coccidiosis is a highly contagious parasitic disease of the intestinal tract. Some of the symptoms of the disease include: Bloody or red stool and also the bird’s lethargy.
      • prevention: Instead of using food containing medication, Add vinegar, probiotic powder and garlic to the chicken’s food to make their immune systems strong enough to fight any kind of coccidia in their environment. Add some coconut oil and cinnamon to the chicken feed as both are natural antibiotics. For older birds, fermented chicken feed can also be effective in preventing coccidiosis.
      • Treatment: If a chick shows signs of coccidiosis, you need to separate it from other chicks. And mix a mixture of milk and chicken feed with equal amount of plain yogurt and feed it. This will wash away the intestines from pathogenic parasites. Next, add some probiotic powder to the chicken feed, this method consists of a series of beneficial bacteria in the gut so you don’t have to use chemical antibiotics to treat the chicks.
  3. Posting or Chick Anal Block : These conditions occur when the chick’s faeces dry on the anus and prevent the chick from being able to dispose of its faeces. This problem can lead to the death of the chicken if it continues.

      • Prevention: This problem often occurs in chickens that are ordered and go a long way to reach the desired location. So it is best to buy chickens from local hatcheries or hatch them yourself. Also this problem can occur due to stress or temperature fluctuations. Therefore it is necessary to keep the temperature of the artificial poultry machine as constant as possible and not allow children and animals to approach chickens and scare them.Regularly clean the moisture and dirt inside the machine.
      • Treatment: Cleanse chicks dirty anus with a clean towel soaked in olive oil, check the area for several days to lubricate and re-clean if necessary, Corn flour and raw oatmeal are also effective in removing the problem and Adding probiotic powder to the chickens’ feed will also have this effect.chickens seeds should also be provided.
  4. Star gazing: At this situations the chick is unable to keep his head high and is also unable to walk normally and runs backwards. 
      • Prevention: This disease is partly due to a deficiency of vitamin B (thiamine) so you can sprinkle some brewer’s yeast on your chickens food daily. 
      • Treatment: Adding brewer’s yeast, which is a great source of thiamine, to chicken feeds is very helpful. You can also provide vitamin water to the chickens. Each day for several times massage the chicken neck for a few minutes. Monitor sick chicks and make sure they have access to adequate water and food and are not trampled by other chicks.
  5. Chicks with crossed beak: An anomaly in which the top and bottom of the chick’s beak cannot fit properly. This is a genetic problem and is likely to worsen as chickens grow older.
      • Prevention: To prevent such a problem in the future, avoid breeding chickens with crossed-beak or Hens whose eggs have produced such chickens.



      • Treatment: sanding the chicken beak can help it to close it’s beak better. Wet the chicken feed, Raise the height of the food dish to the height of the chicken shoulder, it can make it easy for chicken to eat. It is advisable to give the chicken’s meal separately from others to make sure it receive enough water and food.
  6. Loose legs: Conditions that one or both feet slide outward and prevent the chick from standing or walking. These conditions are often due to the high temperature of the incubator or the high temperature fluctuations inside it. This problem can also occur if the bed is very slippery so that chickens are not able to grip their paws and maintain their balance. It can also be caused by vitamin deficiency. 
      • Prevention: Adjust the temperature of the incubator correctly and avoid extreme temperature fluctuations inside the machine. Use a good, non-slippery bed (not newspaper) for chickens.
      • Treatment: Wrap a bandage or something like that around the chicken’s legs to keep it firm for a few days. Monitor the chick to make sure it is not trampled by other chicks and has access to water and food. If you suspect vitamin A deficiency, provide some vitamin water for the chicken.
  7. Respiratory problems: Chickens are very prone to respiratory problems due to their overactive respiratory system. Symptoms of chickens with respiratory problems include: Pouring water from the eyes, coughing, sneezing, Pouring water from the nose.
      • Prevention: Use pine or poplar crumbs for bed to reduce dust. Never use cedar wood chips to cover their bed, as its oil and aromatic odor can make the chickens’ lungs and sinuses sensitive. Use a mixture of water and white vinegar to clean and disinfect the the incubator instead of Bleaching liquid. Because the bleach combines with the ammonia in the feces of the chickens and produces toxic gases.
      • Treatment: Separate the sick chick from the others and for a few days use a spray containing brine to clean the dust from the birds’ eyes. Sometimes this is the only way to solve the problem. But if symptoms persist, fresh basil, clover, dill and thyme will also help the chick’s respiratory health. If the respiratory problem remains untreated and worsens after one week, it can indicate a serious condition and should be consulted by a veterinarian.

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